All individuals who earn income over the course of the year are required by federal law to file their income taxes on April 15. If you have skipped filing your federal income taxes in the past, or continue to owe back taxes accumulated over previous years, you will need to get up to date as soon as you possibly can. If you fail to do so, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is entitled by federal law to levy various sorts of fines, liens, and penalties. The longer you wait to file IRS back taxes, the more costly and severe these penalties will be, culminating in possible imprisonment. The IRS is not to be taken lightly, as outstanding taxes can disrupt your life in a bad way.
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Hiring a professionally qualified tax attorney can help you to avoid the imposition of these penalties. A tax attorney who knows his or her job can help you to gather up the necessary information and documents, and then forward these essential forms to the IRS, in order to settle your outstanding tax debt. A tax attorney can help you determine a settlement with the IRS if you have outstanding debts which may be best worked out on a payment plan, as well as solve any remaining areas of disagreement.